
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Kale Chips

"Eww...kale!" you may say. Do not be fooled by this dark green, curly, spiky leaf! Kale is delicious. Even the most veggie-hating, meat munching person loves a nice big bag of salty, fatty potato chips; well, kale is the new potato! I make my kale chips by placing one cup of sliced kale leaves in a large mixing bowl. Drizzle some extra virgin olive oil over the leaves and add some garlic salt on top. Toss the leaves to spread the oil and salt evenly. Place on a baking tray in the oven at 350° for 20 minutes. 

kale, kale chips, garlic salt, olive oil
Sliced, seasoned kale ready to be baked

kale, kale chips, garlic salt, olive oil, healthy snack
Arrange the kale evenly on the baking tray

Seriously, these kale chips will fool you. They crisp very nicely and they taste amazingly fresh. I naturally love the taste of green veggies, but even for the picky eater, baked kale with salt and oil is an incredible treat. At Trader Joe's, a huge bag of Organic Tuscan Kale runs about $2.28 and will yield 4 servings kale chips. I challenge you to find a bag of potato chips that will nourish you and satisfy your snack craving for only $0.57. It is pre-sliced and very convenient for kale chips. You could also buy a head of kale and slice it yourself. 

Did you know?

Kale is marvelous. Grouped with other green vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, collard greens, and brussels sprouts, kale is jam packed with vitamins and minerals. High in beta carotene, vitamins C and K, and calcium, kale also contains 2 grams of protein and dietary fiber per 1 cup serving. The anti-cancer properties of kale are simply mind-blowing. Indole-3-carbinol encourages DNA repair in cells and blocks the growth of cancer cells. Steaming kale actually increases the bile acid binding properties that lower cholesterol and decrease the absorption of fat. Baking kale actually alters a chemical in the green that affects the thyroid; people with hyperthyroidism can eat kale chips without a worry that their condition will be affected.

Put down the store bought, greasy, fried potato chips. Make your own delectable, healthy chip alternative with kale! 

1 comment:

  1. This is an absolutely delicious AND healthy snack. Thank you, Chef Matt!
